Reader Collection > Exhibitions > Japanese Bird Art, 1950 to present day Part 1 Woodblock prints by 100 artists
51 Brown-eared bulbul (Ixos amaurotis) by Katsuyuki Nishijima, 330 x 255 mm |
52 Duck (Anas sp.) by Susumu Yamaguchi, 585 x 370 mm |
53 Crane (Grus sp.) by Yūji Watanabe, entitled flying-star, 715 x 575 mm |
54 Large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) by Tadashige Ono, entitled shallow beach, 235 x 155 mm |
55 Black-billed magpie (Pica pica) by Waichi Hayashi, entitled morning snow, 240 x 280 mm
56 Little egret (Egretta garzetta) by Tomonosuke Ogō, entitled little egret, 285 x 315 mm
57 Rock dove (Columba livia) by Yutaka Kagimoto, entitled Nishino Kyōtō, 160 x 220 mm
58 Large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) by Akyio Onda, 300 x 340 mm
59 Oriental turtle-dove (Streptopelia orientalis) by Morikazu Maeda, entitled flowers turtle-dove, 300 x 200 mm |
60 Scops owl (Otus sp.) by Hiro Rinshō, entitled paradise smile return trip, 640 x 480 mm |
61 Rock dove (Columba livia) by Hideo Hagiwara, entitled migratory bird, 210 x 175 mm
62 Ural owl (Strix uralensis) by Kōzō Onishi, 125 x 110 mm
63 Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) by Tamami Shima, entitled avec, 305 x 440 mm
64 Brown shrike (Lanius cristatus) by Yoko Funamoto, entitled forest spring in the afternoon, 285 x 390 mm
65 Crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) by Shin’ichi Takahashi, 285 x 345 mm
66 Large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) by Hiroko Izumi, entitled early afternoon, 240 x 320 mm
67 Crane (Grus sp.) by Tadashi Nakayama, 590 x 840 mm
68 Azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyana) by Tomoo Inagaki, 440 x 560 mm
69 Unidentified birds by Akiko Ohba, entitled strange bird trainer, 180 x 175 mm
70 Dodo bird (Raphus cucullatus) by Hideshi Yoshida, entitled Sherlock dodo, 150 x 150 mm
71 Rock dove (Columba livia) by Makoto Ueno, 635 x 485 mm |
72 Goose (Anser sp.) by Reika Iwami, entitled water fantasy E, 510 x 345 mm |
73 Scops owl (Otus sp.) by Gashū Fukami, entitled surrounded in green, 230 x 310 mm
74 Unidentified bird by Gorō Kumagai, 405 x 525 mm
75 Brown-eared bulbul (Ixos amaurotis) by Tatsuteru Kimijima, entitled bird of fortune, 210 x 295 mm
76 Domestic fowl (Gallus gallus) by Jōichi Hoshi, entitled blue bird, 195 x 180 mm
77 Ural owl (Strix uralensis) by Kiyoharu Yamada, entitled snow, 285 x 375 mm
78 Unidentified bird by Toyohide Akiyama, entitled my blue bird, 240 x 310 mm
79 Gull (Larus sp.) by Rokushū Mizufune, entitled seagull, 225 x 250 mm
80 Unidentified bird by Kunihiro Amano, entitled morning 31, 170 x 230 mm
81 Swan (Cygnus sp.) by Kiyonori Kuriki, entitled play, 450 x 330 mm |
82 Unidentified bird by Masanori Katsuyama, entitled come flying, 200 x 140 mm |
83 Hawk (Accipiter sp.) by Shiko Munakata, 345 x 305 mm |
84 Unidentified bird by Takeji Asano, entitled bird and fruit, 400 x 295 mm |
85 Unidentified bird by Yasuko Ōnishi, entitled winter’s day, 460 x 590 mm
86 Owl (Family Strigidae) by Motoi Ōi, entitled turn-a-face owl, 355 x 455 mm
87 Owl (Family Strigidae) by Fumiaki Fukita, entitled child sitting many days, 605 x 470 mm |
88 Duck (Anas sp.) by Yoshiharu Kimura, entitled returning birds, 715 x 520 mm |
89 Unidentified bird by Yoshio Kanamori, 145 x 125 mm
90 Japanese bush-warbler (Cettia diphone) by Kieko Tsurusawa, 150 x 125 mm
91 Unidentified bird by Yasuhide Kobashi, entitled birds at night, 195 x 255 mm
92 Unidentified bird by Fujio Nishitani, 180 x 240 mm
93 Unidentified birds by Takeo Takei, 145 x 125 mm
94 Unidentified bird by Fumiko Odajima, 140 x 140 mm
95 Unidentified bird by Umetarō Azechi, 125 x 115 mm
96 Unidentified bird by Fumio Fujita, entitled to the sky, 140 x 160 mm
97 Swan (Cygnus sp.) by Takao Yamazaki, entitled cygne de grèce (greek swan), 245 x 160 mm |
98 Quetzal (Pharmomachrus sp.) by Toshi Imai, 165 x 220 mm |
99 Domestic fowl (Gallus gallus) by Sakio Fujiwara, entitled bird A, 240 x 310 mm
100 Blue-and-white flycatcher (Cyanoptila cyanomelana) by Mokurei Nakagawa, 130 x 180 mm
Artists: 1-50 51-100 or Back to Exhibitions